

The Scaffolding of Inquiry

A school’s library is the centre for learning and plays a crucial role in boosting innovation, problem solving and curiosity. It acts as a facilitator for reading and knowledge that enhances the learning capability of children and teachers alike.

The school library is the central point for engaging in cultural activities, reading, accessing information and deep analytical thinking. Our library always has a librarian and an assistant librarian to help children and teachers identify the books and sources of information on a particular subject.

It houses a large and rich collection of resources that include books, newspapers and periodicals. These range from general reference material to specialized information. The reference section includes encyclopaedias, linguistic and biographical dictionaries, atlases, handbooks and directories.

Theatre Experience

Amrita brings puppet theatre to our children with highly interactive performances and workshops.  This ancient art form engages the imagination and kickstarts a love of theatre at an early age.


During the shows, the children will listen, laugh, interact directly with characters, and ask questions about puppetry and storytelling afterward.  Each show is tailored for maximum fun and engagement.

Fun & Learning

Our presentations empower kids to think about stories in a new way, acting them out and using the fundamentals of puppetry to become the characters.  In this way they learn empathy, storytelling, and story structure.

Plus they laugh a lot!